Bajra Flour

Rich in insoluble fibre, bajra is great for a sluggish metabolism with its digestion aiding properties. A potent source of magnesium and potassium, bajra also helps in the optimal functioning of the heart by dilating blood vessels and allowing blood to flow more easily. Magnesium in bajra also helps in keeping diabetes away. Boasting of tannins, phytic acid, and phenols, bajra makes for a great source of antioxidants — as we know, antioxidants slow down ageing and reduce the chances of stroke and cancer.

Last but not least, the extremely earthy taste of bajra can surely have you addicted to it. Just ensure to source it right and you’re in for a healthy and bright future. We are glad to inform you that we offer customisation of bajra flour to suit your business needs. To know more, hit us up now!

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The Pearl millet or bajra stays true to its name as one of the gems of food grains, quite literally. Ever since health conditions like gluten intolerance came to light, people started resorting to alternatives, and that’s when the health benefits of other, more nutritionally rich food grains like jowar were acknowledged. Jowar, in India, holds multiple benefits as one moves from one region to another.
