Kesar Extract

From consuming it internally to external application in the form of face masks and bathing essentials, saffron became famous due to its ability to achieve a golden glow; it is also considered a symbol of purity and freshness in many cultures.

Historically, saffron is believed to be originated in Mideastern countries and western Europe — especially Spain and Saudi Arabia. Eventually, its cultivation sprawled further and reached eastern countries as well. In India, the finest quality of saffron comes from Kashmir and its commercial production is also referred to as “Golden Zest”.

Saffron, compared to other spices has exclusive uses. This is also partly because of its high price incurred by a special method of cultivation that requires the application of advanced technology like solar dryers. Only when kesar is produced using the highest of industry standards can one obtain its best ace properties. This is what we bring to you; in fact, we take it a step further by our kesar extract that is easy to use and consume.


Amazing spice with its colourful and fragrant properties, kesar or saffron is one of the finest spices used to cook as well as season food. Used for centuries to augment the richness of food, saffron eventually evolved as an essential beauty treatment ingredient.
