A traditional Maharashtrian recipe, thalipeeth is a predominant snack, today making its way to street food as well given its easy yet highly nutritious recipe.
Thalipeeth Bhajani
Made using a mix of flours of grains and sprouts, thalipeeth exudes nourishment, to say the least. Rice, gram, whole wheat, jowar and urad are the most common constituents of a typical thalipeeth bhajni; however, recipes may vary region-wise. What exactly is thalipeeth bhajani? Thalipeeth is a savoury pancake made using coarsely ground ingredients roasted to perfection. The flavours of the ingredients come through only when roasted rightly — at the right temperature and using the right method.
Bhajani, mostly had for breakfast or evening snack is best relished with yoghurt or ground peanut chutneys.
Why source your thalipeeth bhajani from us?
We take great pleasure in informing you that we procure our ingredients from local Maharashtrians who know the drill and have aced this intrinsic art of making of bhajani! What’s more? We can customise these bhajani flour as per your preference and taste. It is important to note that, typically, thalipeeth does have wheat flour in it. If you are gluten intolerant, we can make an equally tasty gluten-free variation for you. To know more, call us now!